I have been trying to post here regularly these days and I hope you guys are appreciating my effort that I am trying to take out time for this blog when this final semester is damn too busy! I have not been so busy in my life ever! :/ I can't even imagine how busy I would be in future when I'll get a job or something :O
But that's some heavy-emotional scene I was not here to discuss, right? LOL! I got my exams for next three days, so I'll just visit back my daily visitors but I don't think I'll be able to post anything as such. In the meantime, let me tell you about some new and old things at my blog.
So, as you guys know my blog's look was changed a few months back including my cbox, blog's background, font, etc. Or is it that, it has not been that long? Damn, what am I saying? geesh! Back to the topic! BACK TO THE TOPIC!! What back? I am already in the topic, so don't act smart dear insight, and let me type. Well, okay.
The thing is, I have been seeing a lot of crappy advertisements at my blog which I think have been the result of link/banner exchange with certain stupid websites/blogs apart from the cool ones. So I am running a cleaning drive at my blog removing the link/banner exchange things with such blogs of questionable material. I am pretty sure if you read this your blog is not on the list of being deleted. Since I am just removing those links which I should not have had exchanged links with, i.e., some blogs with 'not-to-be-mentioned' sort of content.
Anyways, that was the far gone part, or the old things. Now to the new things, I mean the ones that are coming up.
I have been asked by a blogmate of mine, Sherry-the-booklion, for some tips on speeding up the PC and about some other maintenance tasks, so I'll be coming up with them next week onwards. The security tips I hope you guys are enjoying :D I'll alternate the security and maintenance ones every Tuesday, I mean I'll post one security post on a Tech Tuesday, then a maintenance one on next Tech Tuesday, and then one security post on the next Tech Tuesday, and so on till the time I could continue these series. The security series will have around 6-7 more posts since I have got a lot more to discuss with you all about them.
Also, I'd like you guys to check out the TwCiH[TIPS] page of my blog to find links to some interesting posts of my blog. I update that page whenever I get time to, so consider it being updated once a month or so! Slow pace? I know, but well that's all I could do.
I guess I have mentioned all the important points I wished to share about this blog with you all. Let's hope I keep on killing my time on this blog to write articles that help you, or entertain you! :D And ever wish to contact me for something you wish to be posted here, or want to make a guest post at my blog, you can comment at my posts, or check out my disclosure policy page for the contact email IDs I have made especially for my blog contacts.
So on a positive note, I hope to see you all soon again with more cool posts. For the time being, I should delve into my books. This time the course is a skyscraper for the 3 exams, it's already around 7 pm in the evening, and I am still at the ground floor waiting for the elevator that would make me start studying, phew! Oi! I just realized the poet inside me is not yet dead haha, those were nice lines. Oh I gotta go, see ya all later, this weekend, kay? Good evening! :D I talk too much I see! :P

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