Hey all my dear readers! I hope you all are doing just fabulous! :) Welcome to my blog on this Intellectual Thursday. There was certain something on my mind since Monday, and I really wish to share it with all of you.
The topic is about politics and people's reactions. I just want to give my personal viewpoint about what's happening around the world. Is it always the politicians who are wrong? Are they always right and thinking for the people? Let me take a chance to speak what I think in this regard.
Recently, there has been much discussion about the upcoming major change in the Indian Government, the President is to be elected soon by the members of Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament. Whenever any matter related to politics gets into the news, people are directly hit by the leaders of the various political parties, since India is a Democracy, about the ongoing issues in the society, the opposition showing their disgust about the ruling party and the ruling party asking for people's cooperation making all sorts of promises, they mean or not! Another important issue was the declaration of the Budget for this year, that is declared every April.
This time the budget imposed yet another hike in the current taxes making the imports more costlier, thereby making things such as Watches, Cars, Computers, etc. expensive. Hike in fuel prices is something we all are getting familiar with so much that it seems to be just another everyday issue now. But in turn what we neglect are the rise in prices of our basic needs, food and milk.
People are crying out loud, "Properties rates are unjust! They are so high, we cannot afford a home!" When most of the people interested in buying property are the ones who already have a home and are just saving another property as if for their children, grand-children or maybe their own retirement. People are unable to settle their budgets for their current house and they are crying for another home! WOW! duh! >_<
In my opinion people are being falsely led, (or rather misled is the more correct term, right?), by the so called leaders. They are focusing our attention on price hikes of everything except food, our basic need! All right, here the blame on the politicians gets over. Now let's talk about we are doing as public! Is it satisfactory? I HIGHLY DISAGREE!
Let me quote my facebook status of this Monday, "People! People! People! Why always blame government when you are not setting right priorities for yourselves?! Asking for cheaper loans, maybe they wanna take a loan to buy a loaf of bread..Asking for cheaper cars, maybe they gonna eat the cars when the food's prices would be sky-rocketing...Fighting against hike in fuel prices, perhaps they gonna drink petrol instead of milk in near future...Asking for everything to go cheap EXCEPT WHAT YOU BASICALLY NEED - FOOD! You guys want a second home when you are unable to manage budget of your single house, crying out loud - "Properties rates are unjust!>_<" (LOL!!) Wow! And then, you cry that the government is out of their minds..I guess it's the case both ways, idiots!! >_<"
What do you think? Am I not talking the right thing? Because I personally think that I AM TOTALLY CORRECT! It is our right to ask for a good and stable economic condition of the country from our government, to ask for a country where the poor and rich both can afford their standard lives, there is no one who has to die of starvation. That means if the things are not fine, we have the right to fight with our government! But when we set wrong priorities, we end up giving a chance to our government to easily win over us. We are asking for the loans to get cheaper. For what do we need loans? The things that are out of the reach of our current financial condition, but we need them. For example, a nice car may not be affordable to everyone. But tell me would a cheaper loan mean that in case the price of food goes too high, since we are running behind other things to go cheap, would we be asking for a loan just to buy a loaf of bread or a bottle of milk? We are asking that the cars are getting costlier how would a common man afford a car in this situation when car is becoming a necessity, not a luxury. But if you don't have food to eat, how would you get strength to drive? What would you do then? Eat the car? or eat away it's seats?! O_O We are crying out loud that petrol is so costly! Are we interested in drinking petrol? or we need milk for our teas, and coffees? Just think about what I'm saying!
Our priorities are not set right. We are fighting for things that even if not present doesn't necessarily mean a tough survival. We are rather neglecting things that if not present would make the survival impossible, leave alone the question of tough, or easy!
Now what you think? Who should we blame? The government, which was elected by us only, for not being able to make things cheap? The politicians, who are able to speak in public because we let them to, for misleading us? Or ourselves for not paying attention, being sheepish and foolish? The answer is all quite clear. If our priorities would be correctly set, atleast we won't be the ones to be blamed for our own conditions. I hope my article does sparks a light in the heads of the people who keep on blaming government for every little thing without thinking whether they did anything to uplift their condition or not. Let me say one more thing, most of the people don't vote even when they have the right to. THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING! >_< When you have a right to elect the government, you must exercise it and see who is the best leader for you. For when you are not fulfilling your duty you have no right to speak either! >_<
I'm not trying to safeguard the government, I personally hate it too! All I want to say is when you won't ask for the right things, you won't be able to get the right things.
Pardon me if I went wrong anywhere. Thank you for reading. Good Day! :) Your comments are welcomed. I know this is something you all want to talk about. But maybe my blog is so unknown that I don't get much commenting! But still maybe some of you might find it worth the discussion!
coll caricatur sob,,, i like this
ReplyDeleteHaha! I found it through google only. How's the article? I hope nice! :D :P
DeleteDr Toxifier is COMPLETLEY RIGHT AND THATS THAT, the future will prve his statement.
ReplyDeleteThank you for seconding my thought. But alas! If the people don't wake up from their slumber and don't make the politicians work as they desire, things would go even worse!
Deletewow! its like none of us thought that way. this word must be spread amongst all. nice articel
ReplyDeleteThat would be good. The more people understand this and wake up, the more would be the pressure on the stupid government and it might take some good action!
DeleteThanks for your visit and comment.
such a nice article by a young person. i think with present generation understanding things so well the future is secure. bless you toxifier, whatever is your real name son!
ReplyDeleteThank you! :) I hope that others also understand the things well so that the conditions improve! :) Good day and thanks a lot for your visit and your comment! ^_^